WT1 – Household expenditures 4


The pie charts show the average household expenditures in a country in 1950 and 2010.

Bố cục 1 bài WT1 gồm: 1 opening, 1 overview và 2 đến 3 body

3. Thân bài 1

Chia thân bài

1. Housing, food

2. Healthcare, education, transportation


1. the figure for expenditure on (1)

2. the percentage/ proportion/ rate of money that people spent on (1)

Thân bài 1 (1950)




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Thân bài 1 (1950)

Housing = 72.1%, food = 11.2%

The figure for expenditure on housing accounted for 72.1% which was the highest in 1950,

while the rate of money that people spent on food made up 11.2%.


Housing = 72.1% giảm xuống 22%

Food = 11.2% tăng lên 34%

Between 1950 and 2010, the figure for expenditure on housing fell from 72.1% to 22%,

whereas the percentage of money that people spent on food saw a rise to 34%.
